
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Haka Ma

In Maori room three learnt a song and it uses all the vowels, let's check this out.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My favourite thing from my trip

This is my favourite thing from our trip to Howick Historical Village in Week 5.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Orienteering Week 1

On Wednesday after morning tea Mrs Tui came to room three and told Mrs Deeney that Mr McGivern and Mrs Irene was coming to our classroom and they were coming to teach us how to do orienteering.

The first thing that he said was that we will use a map to look at. We put our hand up and answered lots of questions about using a map. Mr McGivern said we had to use a map because that’s what we follow.

After that we did some hunting in our classroom and we had to look for words. When we finished we went outside and did some orienteering on the field.

When we got outside we got are paper from Mr McGivern and they told us the rules. The rules were that we were not to go backwards and not to jump over the puncher because the puncher will break. When we played orienteering we ran around and we didn’t get lost. After that we went to morning tea.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Howick Historical Village

My favourite thing from our trip to Howick Historical Village was when room three went to make trolleys.

First of all we went to look at the instructions so we would know how we make the trolley. Mrs White told us to look at the photo so we would know how the trolley is going to look when it was finished.

The tools that we used were washers, nuts wood, bolts, metal sticks, wheels and pins. The trolley was hard to do because my friends were telling me “go there, go there” but when I got to look at the instructions I remembered what I was supposed to do. I went back and did my work, I knew what to do when I went back to my group and started.

I started off with doing the wood in the right place and then putting the bolts on it. We had to put a nut under the bolt and when we finished doing that we had to do the wheels.

My favorite thing about doing the wheels was when we had to put the wheels into the pole and after that we put the pin though the hole of the pole so that the wheel would not fall out.

After that we finished our trolley and we had to take it apart again because the next group was ready to have their go. It was all so much fun.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tom and the Dragon

Once there was a boy called Tom, he asked his mother if he could go to the pier and his mother told him to be careful when he goes to the pier because there is a dragon who lives in a cave. “He’s dangerous”.

Tom went to the cave as he did not listen to his mother. The dragon said “do you want to play chess?” so they did but the dragon did not like to lose and he was sad so he nearly barbequed the little boy Tom. Fire came out of his mouth and after that Tom climbed on the dragons back and when Tom got on the dragon put his wings up which meant he wanted to fly. He flew and when he flew Tom fell into the water and he did not look down. If he was going to be scared the dragon would save him but he would end up in the dragon’s stomach.

The dragon got him out so at the end Tom’s mother and the dragon’s mother said hello and the dragon and Tom said “lets never be enemies”.